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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 129 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, and 5.04.220, Sewer Service Charges 2013 Codified
Ord. 128 Amends § II of Ordinance No. 95, Providing for the Collection of Sewer Service Charges on the Tax Roll 2012 Codified
Ord. 127 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, 5.04.220, and 5.04.225, Sewer Service Charges 2011 Codified
Ord. 126 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, 5.04.220, and 5.04.225, Sewer Service Charges Codified
Ord. 125 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, 5.04.220, and 5.04.225, Sewer Service Charges 2010 Codified
Ord. 124 Amends § 7.04.310(N), Prohibited Waste 2010 Codified
Ord. 123 Amends §§ 7.04.030, 7.04.140, 7.04.375 (A.1), and 7.04.510 (J.2.h), Definitions, Construction and Prohibited Waste 2010 Codified
Ord. 122 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, and 5.04.220, Sewer Service Charges 2009 Codified
Ord. 121 Amends § 5.04.500, Sewer Service Charge Refunds 2009 Codified
Ord. 120 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, and 5.04.220, Sewer Service Charges 2008 Codified
Ord. 119 Add §§ 1.10.010, 1.10.020, 1.10.030, 1.10.040, 1.10.050, and 1.10.060, Appeals of Actions by the District Engineer and Staff 2007 Codified
Ord. 118 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, and 5.04.220, Sewer Service Charges 2007 Codified
Ord. 117 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210, and 5.04.220, Sewer Service Charges 2006 Codified
Ord. 116 Amends §§ 7.04.030, Definitions, 7.04.310, Prohibited Wastes Designated, 7.04.510, Industrial Discharge Permit System, and 7.04.545, Enforcement Response and Fines 2006 Codified
Ord. 115 Adds Ch. 1.05, Claims Against the District 2006 Codified
Ord. 114 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190 and 5.04.210—5.04.225, Sewer Service Charges Codified
Ord. 113 Amends § 2.04.020, District Board – Membership 2006 Codified
Ord. 112 Held by District Counsel
Ord. 111 Adds §§ 7.04.325, 7.04.375 and 7.04.515; amends §§ 7.04.030, 7.04.310 and 7.04.510; repeals and replaces § 7.04.545, Sewer Construction and Use Codified
Ord. 110 Repeals § 5.08.020, Special Assessment Connection Charges 2005 Repealer
Ord. 109 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190 and 5.04.210—5.04.225, Sewer Service Charges 2005 Codified
Ord. 108 Adds § 7.04.790, Sewer Construction and Use 1993 Codified
Ord. 107 Amends § 2.04.050, Meetings – Schedule 2004 Codified
Ord. 106 Amends §§ 5.04.180, 5.04.190, 5.04.210—5.04.225, and 5.04.500, Sewer Service Charges and Sewer Service Charge Refunds Codified
Ord. 105 Amends § 7.04.545, Sewer Enforcement Response and Fines 2003 Repealed by 111